Using Metrics to Revolutionize Our Precision Machining Services

At Moseys, metrics are more than internal profit and loss indicators. They’re powerful barometers that allow us to measure and maintain excellence throughout our complete range of precision machining services

Two metrics, in particular, hold our constant attention: Quality and On-Time Delivery (OTD). Our focus on these metrics is far from arbitrary. Our California machine shop prioritizes quality and OTD because those are the factors that matter most to you, our customer. 

When you partner with Moseys for manufacturing services, you partner with a company whose commitment to quality and OTD is non-negotiable. Here’s how we leverage each category’s metrics to achieve and sustain excellence every day for every job.

“Unrealistically” High Standards

We’ve been told that our standards are “unrealistically” high, but we’re in the business of pushing boundaries. When our most discerning customers gave us an OTD score of 97%, we increased our internal goal to an ambitious 99.5%—because we knew we could do better. 

As for quality, we aim for 99.8% and often exceed it. In August 2023, our quality rating rose to 99.9%. To be clear, our quality rating isn’t a gauge of internal scrap or waste. When we measure quality, we’re looking at the condition of the parts we package and ship to your door—the kind of quality metric that ensures the exceptional form, fit, and functionality necessary to power your organization and satisfy your customers.

Real-Time Monitoring

MetricsLook behind the scenes, and you’ll see us constantly collecting and assessing the hard data behind our precision machining services to keep these metrics top-of-mind and actionable for our team. Every day, we extract key metrics from our advanced ERP system, calculate them in Excel, and display the results via Microsoft Power BI on 70” monitors across our inspection room. Over eight years, we’ve perfected this practice, constantly evolving to offer the most accurate, real-time data available.

Data visibility is not just for management; it’s a company-wide commitment. Every administrator and shop floor expert knows precisely how the team is performing and how their individual roles impact the overall success of the team. With everyone tracking the same goals, we’ve developed a collaborative culture of authentic care for our customers, our colleagues, and ourselves.

Transparency, Accountability, and Trust

The impact of maintaining transparent metrics isn’t contained within the walls of our facility. As a Moseys customer, you feel the effects every time you talk to our team or receive a completed order. Transparency, accountability, and trust are values that overflow from our shop floor to your business and beyond, providing a peace of mind that no money can buy. 

Moseys’ customers don’t have to micromanage us or lose sleep over whether their parts will meet their stringent quality requirements and arrive on time. Our metrics reveal exactly what you can expect from a collaboration with our California machine shop: the highest standards, from RFQ to final delivery.

Your Easiest Precision CNC Machining Partnership

Moseys’ metrics tracking is the fuel that powers a streamlined manufacturing experience—one devoid of frustration and inefficiency. We deliver on our promises, which is why we’ve earned a reputation as the machine shop that gets it done when no one else can

Customers come to Moseys for our consistent quality and on-time delivery, and they find so much more, from our design recommendations and high-precision capabilities to supply chain fortification and unparalleled adaptability.

Don’t settle for mediocre parts and sloppy delivery. Come to Moseys, where our precision machining services are rooted in a commitment to unbeatable quality and on-time delivery. With our team managing your manufacturing needs, you’ll enjoy a machine shop partnership that’s efficient and exceptional.

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