How Do I Choose the Right Machine Shop Near Me? Here’s What You Need to Know About Finding the Right Machine Shop.

It can be difficult to know what to look for when selecting a machine shop to help you fabricate your CNC machined parts. Entering “find a machine shop near me” is often not sufficient for discovering the very best options. While searching online for the best machine shop is certainly a start, you’re going to need to follow a few guidelines if you want to select the best possible CNC machining services.

Here are a few tips for choosing the best CNC machine shop near me:

  • Use different search engines to find a CNC machine shop near you. Starting an online search is a fairly straightforward process, but we often limit ourselves to Google and nothing more. Enter the phrase “machine shops near me” into multiple search engines, such as Bing, Yahoo, or DuckDuckGo. While this step alone isn’t a foolproof way of finding the best possible machine shop, you will at least find one that has taken the time and effort to make itself visible on multiple search engines.
  • Find a machine shop that specializes in your request. Not every CNC machine shop specializes in all areas of machining. You will likely discover that some concentrate on certain services, but do not have the resources or equipment to handle other techniques efficiently. Learn which machining equipment and techniques produce the highest quality results with the tightest tolerances, and then see if the machine shops near you employs those techniques and has that equipment.
  • Make sure the CNC machine shop can accommodate your tolerance specifications and precision machining requirements. Accuracy is essential. If the machine shop cannot meet your requirements down to the barest fraction of a micrometer, they are not worth your money.
  • Make sure the CNC machine shop will provide a consultation and review your parts. This is helpful in determining in advance whether the organization has the capacity to serve your needs.
  • Clarify in advance if the machine shop will guarantee the quality of their work. A quality guarantee gives you protection.
  • Know the CNC machine shop’s capacity in advance. This is important. You might have found a machine shop that offers you the precision and the tolerance you require, but if it isn’t capable of producing the volume you need, you will have to begin your search again.
  • Make sure the machine shop makes getting quotes easy. Make sure they have the tools and resources that allow you to quickly upload your specifications for review.
  • Make sure your machine shop quotes you the right price for the materials. If they’re quoting you inflated prices for the raw materials, you’ll definitely want to look elsewhere.

Mosey’s has been a premier Southern California machine shop for more than 45 years. To learn more about our services, or to request a quote, please visit our information page or our production machine shop.